
Over the years, either as part of my work or my activism, I had the opportunity to work on a series of very exciting initiatives. Here you can find out more about some of the most special ones for me!

#BeTheOne Campaign

The #BeTheOne! Campaign is a partnership between The Humanity Lab Foundation, Warner Music and the UN in Brazil and it aims to ignite a global movement for achieving the #UN #SDGs.

YPS Training for UN Staff

Training on Youth, Peace and Security Programming for UN Staff in Somalia.

Youth Forum in the Arab Region

Gathering of 200 young women and men from 20 countries from the middle East and North Africa held in Tunis.

Youth P/CVE Conference

Bringing together practitioners and young people to share best practices of PCVE programming and policies.

Somali Youth Voices

was a dynamic consultation to identify priorities and policy gaps for young people in Somalia.

Talent & Innovation Challenges of Americas

Regional innovation competition for young entrepreneurs from Latin America and the Caribbean.

Youth 21 Initiative

multi-year process to rethink and design a new architecture for youth engagement in the UN system

Climax Festival

Festival held in Sao Paulo in parallel to COP18 to raise awareness about about the impacts of Climate Change in our daily lives.

Push! Breaking the Silence

“Vai – Quebrando o Silêncio” (Push! Breaking the Silence) was an educational project using theater to discuss issues of domestic violence and sexual violence among teenagers in Sao Paulo.

Weathering Change

Project aimed to provide accessible information and foster the public debate on the role of gender and sexual and reproductive rights in the context of climate and environmental changes.

Rio+20 Youth Blast

official youth preparatory event for Rio+20


The TEDxJovem@Ibira was a TEDx event organized by young people and for young people!

TUNZA Conference

UNEP’s International Children and Youth Conference held in Bandung, Indonesia in 2011, gathering 1400 participants from 126 countries.

Unite4 Climate Zambia

One of UNICEF’s signature child-led climate advocacy programmes.

O Sonho Brasileiro

Study launched by BOX1824 discussing the future of Brazil through the perspectives of young people.

OASIS Kaswesha

Oasis Kaswesha was a community intervention held in the Kariobangi South community in Kenya using the “Oasis Game methodology” by Elos Institute.

Microsoft® Board of the Future

student advisory panel helping Microsoft® to imagine the future of work.

“Making Commitments Matter” in Brazil

“Tirando Acordos do Papel” was a national youth-led process in Brazil that mapped, assessed and evaluated youth policies in Brazil.